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Shall we meet? June 5, 2008

Posted by Ragesh G R in Unleashed.
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“Ragesh!”, a loud cry comes from outside my balcony, I rush to the balcony to find my dear friend Barath ready to shower his sharp and witty comments, as soon as I come to the balcony.. We just stand there, and talk (put mokkai as it is called now, but sometimes even profound things, like Time Travel etc, he he) relentlessly on one thing after another. As we speak, we spot Samson and Srikanth chit chatting near their house. Both Barath and I cry out their nicknames so loud across the 300 yards distance separating them, they come running, atleast to stop us from uttering their nicknames over and over again, and getting damaged in public as our voices richo- chet across the buildings and produce surround sound. he he. Soon, there would be about 6 – 7 of us there , talking away, ah! bliss…good times , good times.. This was year 2000, when we were in Std X, when we didn’t have cell phones or bikes or cars! But still friends of mine and I managed to meet almost everyday (mind u, this is apart from 6 hours of being with each other in school! ).

Come 2003, after all the tension and hype of all the +2 examnations and umpteen entrances ranging from IIT-JEE’s to an examination conducted by a small college, we are free to roam like free birds for 3 solid months. oh and what fun it was. This time it was different though, we would go around in bikes and the friends circle expanded, tearing the streets, with Suku and gang, stopping at a street corner, to eat something, do some “bird watching” and then tease each other on anything that pops up in your mind, however illogical or senseless they are.. Again as we would meet everyday.. go for a walk around the beach, go to each others home.. We were sure our friends would be home, and if not we know where to find them, and hey u are visiting about 12 friends everyday, so odds are that you will find 8 of them.. I would come home for only for food.. hee hee.. just roam around using 1-2 liters of petrol everyday, and would go out no matter how hot, cold , rainy or windy it was.. so will my friends.. Again, we didn’t cell phones, in fact not all had even land phones i guess..

Then we enter college, well, it is not that easy to catch up with all the friends during weekdays because, by the time all of us come back home, it will be about 5:30 p.m and many people went far , even in other states to study, but even then, we would catch up on the weekends, oh yes! the same roaming around we used to in 12th will continue, only difference is each of us will hav a different story to tell about the good, bad and funny things about our colleges. But this time , we got cell phones, so even if we can’t meet, we woud be sendng SMS’s to our friends through out the day till our fingers hurt and go on even after that. Weekends would be fun, some roaming around, some visiting friends houses, mostly Kalpaka’s and eating out, in some road side vendor’s shop, where we can be our naughty and boisterous selves.

And then we got jobs. All interaction reduced to chats. But if it was so, then fine, but chat we used to do in college!, till the wee hours of early morning like the long late night chats I used to have with Kalpaka, Charanya, Sandhya and Srikanth L. Now, everyones online, but almost no one is talking to anyone, (except for Sandhya, Ghanesh and Ravikumar in my case with whom I chat a lot during weekends, and have lot of fun) Why? because, most are fagged out at the end of a long tiring day of 10 – 12 hours (see, I love my job very much, but 12 hours of work and travel will make tired whoever u are), that no one is feeling sprightly enough to communicate. What about SMSs? Oh, don’t get me started! the SMS craze is over, partly because, now the operators have started charging for SMSs and we got bored of it, and if you have a phone like I do, the Nokia N72, sending one SMS will give u ache in the fingers for 1 minute, compared to the 1100’s and 3315’s we owned in college in which u type 100’s of SMS a day faster than you type on the keyboard.. The main reason is we have now got so many avenues to communicate that we take it for granted, we think , “Well, we got phone and SMS and chat and orkut and what not, we can communicate whenever we feel like”, but the “feel like” does nt come more often and we end up not communicating at all. The gap increases, all the more reluctant we feel to catch up with old buddies, Why is it so difficult? I don know..

Last week, the same 7-8 of us who used to meet daily in shcool days, had to send a thread consisting of 300 mails just to decide when and where we all shall meet together, after a gap of aroud about 4 months. This week, my friend and colleague Rajeswari spent endless hours communicating and organising over two days, just to decide where, when and HOW she and 4 of her friends(Sathya, Swetha, Priya and Swathi, who used to meet daily in college and even in weekends), can meet this weekend.

See the HOW, that is a new clause added, first it was anytime anywehere, then it was anywhere but in a particular time coz someone has n’t returned from college and so on, then it was at a particular time, at a particular place coz people come from far away on a weekend, so they dont have enough time to come to all the friends place etc. Now it is how! ya How! everyone is available, but all are busy, “how can we meet? hey I have work, next week our project release, I have a client call next week, so i ll be home at only 9:00 pm and i have work on Sunday too”, so more often , people silently come home, sleep for a day , take rest and go back.

Weekends, are different now, not anyone to hang around, it is rare, It is 2- 3 months since I went out to roam with my friends, no one is available , no one is ready, everyones just sitting around, lazing, taking rest, me too..

Unbelievable! the things we took for granted, are now precious and rare and almost forgotten.. Everyone is preoccupied, or pretend to think so, or even fool ourselves into thinking that we all are preoccupied. We fee like the “Babuli” character in Std X CBSE English text book. We would have thought “I ll never change” and here we are! Time changes us all is n’t it? It might have changed me too. I don know, I don’t have a version control system installed for my character.. LOL!

All I can say is, next time you feel like seeing ur dear friend, don’t call him/her and ask for an appointment!, but yell out her/his name in front of her house, you would n’t want to miss out the pleasant surprise on your friend’s face when he/she sees you, do you? You want to see him/her in his/her shorts and not in their make up and Allen Sollys, don’t you?

.. And if you don’t find him/her at home, don’t go back! look for her/him, probably they are sitting on the same perch you both used to share many a secret, many a joke, and many a crush, probably even thinking about you….


1. Srikanth - June 6, 2008

Too good post machan..Fully concur with your views. Lot of things running on my mind to comment (In fact i thought to write a post[“Shall we blog” can be another post for bloggers like u and me] ) and suddenly had that block, Oops its 10 am, im at home ‘browsing’ and delivery is pending, run fast for ‘money’ ๐Ÿ˜ But felt like if i dont atleast comment i will do injustice. Will write mine soon.(I know you can understand the meaning of soon :D)

2. Ragesh G R - June 6, 2008

@Srikanth: Thanks da :).. Ya I know these things are running in all our minds.. We get caught in the race of life , forget to enjoy the road.. Thanks for commenting in spite of “busy schedule ” :), and I am looking forward to your post on this one “soon”

3. Ravikumar - June 7, 2008

“SMSโ€™s to our friends through out the day till our fingers hurt and go on even after that”.. Seriyana OA.. your fingers hurt aaacha. oa^oa
now be more specific.. to which friends.. How much time u took to reply to all ??

And wat abt the foes ? !!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ..lol ๐Ÿ˜›

So when u writin abt coll.. lets see … esp. abt the MARK !!1

4. Ragesh G R - June 7, 2008

@Ravi: poda OA, i was talkin abt coll days SMS to all frends and foe didnt have phone then, took 1 nanosecond poda OA

I wrote covered right from 10th to 12th to college to job, in this post da pyshco, what MARK??

5. sanjeevhariharan - June 8, 2008

Brilliant post machi.. could relate to each and every word that you wrote.. times have really changed.. but still we keep thinking about the ones we miss every day.. even though we are seperated by time and distance ( please i know you are a physics genious,so dont take the formulaic terms for it and stump me out!),the spontanous rapport comes out when people,even though they might meet after light years,still can hit off from where they left last..!
I was thinking of writing about this but you have covered almost everything and robbed me off a post!

Btw, me and logic were just thinking of trying out a mini thread,asking people to give a short description of their career since june 07 and their future plans.. to revive our dormant ssncsb2003 groups.. and we need people to join us..are you game?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

6. Ragesh G R - June 8, 2008

@Sanjeev: thanks dude, yes really, i know its running inm everyone’s mind, so it is obvious that u too wanted to write on the same matter, as u said I hope that we can hit it off from wheer we left when we meet, if we are able to do so,. that ll be awesome he he .

he he ya sure,, I am game, atleast 40 – 60 % of the people will respond I am sure..

7. swathi - June 9, 2008

so verry true rags!!! seriously…. we used to just go to nanganallur to sathya’s place at the drop of a hat… now…. each of us has something or the other coming in the way… wish… we cud jus go back to how it was…..:(

8. Ragesh G R - June 9, 2008

thanks, hee hee ya ๐Ÿ™‚

9. Revs - June 9, 2008

Lovely lovely post rags and i completely agree. planning the kon tiki expedition would have been easier to plan than the “hey lets meet this weekend”. i remember how milinta and i planned for 4 weeks and ended up meeting 4 months later. :D.
i would so love to go back to being a carefree teenager when catching up with freidns seemed like THE most important thing to do in this world!! Sigh!!
i hate you man!!! only now after a year u had kind of stopped thinking about college and now u have got me started!! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

10. Ragesh G R - June 9, 2008

thanks revs: hee hee ya, “hey lets meet this weekend” is the most difficult plans of all. We all are in the same boat..

Thinking about coll ๐Ÿ™‚ kewl. LOL!

And ,ya during teenage days, catching up with friends was THE MOST important thing for us!

11. joel - July 28, 2008

True to the last word!! Lovely post Ragesh!

12. Ragesh G R - July 28, 2008

Thanks a lot Joel ๐Ÿ™‚

13. kalpaka - January 7, 2009

hey rags.. what a post man!! and see when i found time to comment.. My comment shall be illustration to “shall we meet”, “shall we mail”, “shall we read blogs” and “shall we write comments”.. lolz.. so much for now.. those late night chats of philosophy with you, at a wee midnight hour, discussing life’s philosophies… sigh! they were some of the best days in our lives.. your post i hope brings the realization in all its readers how “shall we meet” with old friends is MORE important than the mundane ” shall we go to office, slog 12-14 hours of a day out”, grow exhausted by the end of week and forget friends and family at the end of it all…Each of us I am sure will be elated to get atleast one day to relive the old happy-go-lucky days!!!! kudos buddy for such a BRILLIANT post!!!!

14. Ragesh G R - January 7, 2009

@Kalpu: Thanks dude! ๐Ÿ™‚ glad that you found time to read my post, and comment, ya I too enoyed a lot with u chattin philosohpies till wee morn, as u said, everyone’s inner heart wants to meet people they love and want to go back to olden days, like Babuli character in our 9th std english

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